Saturday, 1 September 2012

Day 50, Escalante to Panguitch, 67 miles

Matt woke early as usual and we dismantled camp in half-sleep. Having thrown down a few bagles a-piece, it felt good and proper to be back on the bikes after a day off. On the outskirts of Escalante we passed two galleries and speculated on what an arty, sporty town this is. Matt has us living here in ten years; him working for Steves' cycle business and me being 'all arty'. We enjoyed pipe-dreaming as we passed the pink coloured hills and pygmy pine forests; one by the name of 'The Petrified Forest'-which sounded worth a night hike!

More elevation gain but today it was respectably gradual. Furthermore the sky was overcast and we weren't even sweating profusely on the uphills; cash-back! So we chortled on, our only exchanges the likes of 'Whoa look at that rock formation' or 'dude - check out the donkey!' At one 'Scenic Overlook', an information board assured us that we were in prime-dinosaur fossile-spotting country. Essentially- Jurrasic Park-life. Ever changing, ever-impressive scenery kept us keeping on despite some extensive climbs.

We passed Bryce-Canyon, which we look forward to exploring with Bruce and Candace tommorrow. It was quite a bonus to casually cycle-by such a 'must see' spot; knowing we will return at our leisure tommorrow. We were able to enjoy its' beauty on-the-fly, without feeling the need to absorb it fully before it passes into the history of our ride.

Coming down from the plateau of Bryce, we were treated to a 10 mile bike path which skirts along Red Canyon, running parallel to the road but quite secluded. We do love a bike path; being able to ride alongside eachother and dash around at precarious speeds. Good times.

Tom foolery aside, we were back on the highway 89 for a further seven miles of first-class tail-wind. At 20+ mph, we were in Panguitch before Matt could spell it. We easily found our RV park and owners Jodie and Randy were happy to stash our bikes in their garage and direct us to the showers and Laundrette.

Fresh as daisies, we hit up Panguitch to buy some 'essentials' (not really) from the Thrift store. Fatally, the woman at the counter told us we could fill a bag for a dollar... So we walked out of there with 3 t-shirts, a can opener and a gem of a 1970's cookbook. A few feet down mainstreet we hit up the 'Cowboy Museum/Shop.' After chatting with the lovely lady of the store about our trip, she insisted on photographing us - in obligatory cowboy hats- in their manequin saloon corner. We left their emporium of all things wild-west to buy dinner; but have since convinced ourselves that we both desperately need cowboy boots. This would be the most obvious Mid-western souvenir and a sound investment all-round.

We emerged from the supermarket with various, optimistic frozen foodstuffs and a roll of aluminum foil; spurred on by the 'Outdoor Cooking Bible' we picked up at the Thrift Store (like I said; 'Essentials'.) Matt took some time, energy, wood and smoke to get a fire going but get it going he did. Aluminum-foiled pizza; burritos and chocolate bananas followed at intervals and were all bang-on. Overly-replete and smoke-scented, we headed off to bed.


  1. I bought some cowgirl boots in Nashville, there were an essential buy despite not being able to fit them in my rucksack and having to carry them everywhere, I love them, buy them and post them home! Do it! Jo xxx

  2. Hi Matt and Sally - remember us? Kevin and Nadia, Brits in an RV. Currently in Salt Lake City. Wondering when you reach the West Coast if we will be around also and we'll buy you that beer that WASN'T in our fridge. Email or Good luck and hope to hear your stories sometime.

    1. Hey Kevin and Nadia! How could we forget -you made our day that afternoon you drove past back in Mussouri. We are currently in Cedar City, Utah and expect to be in San Francisco in a couple of weeks. Check this blog closer to then for a better idea of our eta. Have saved your emails and shall be in touch. Enjoy Salt Lake City and look forward to catching up!

  3. Matt - If only you still had your Movemeber tache for that Cowboy photo call, would have looked gooooooooood.

    As far as cowboy boots go, I have no experience myself but I know FM hasn't stopped wearing his since he got them! Ditch the trainers and ride the rest of the trip in boots - all seems too easy so far so you need a challenge!

    1. Duncan! It's opportune you mention Matts' mo because it's come early this year; it's Sept-tache 2012! Given your fondness for pics of Matt in lycra, I will post a pic of him in his mostachio'd spandex glory. Stay tuned.

      Today however we are taking a rest day to work on our gambling problem (we don't know how to use those machines...wish you were here to show us how it's done!)

      LOL re FM's boots (haven't got any yet though.)
      Love to you, Maria and Bumpy!
