Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Day 32, Larned to Dighton, 97 miles

For some reason, Matt always wakes at 6:45 am... Which means, in a small tent, that I wake reluctantly at 6:45 am. So we slowly got around to dismantling camp. We had leftover bread for 'PB&J' (Peanut butter and jam) sandwiches, which I assembled. Matt showed uncharacteristic restraint and suggested we take them with and get some mileage under our belts before said PB&J. So we cycled into a fairly brutal head-wind. The Trans-Am route advises West to East travel, due to prevailing winds. As it was cheaper to fly from London to the East Coast, we dismissed 'prevailing winds' as circumstantial, and defied the advice of the good people at Adventure Cycling America. Well today they got the last laugh, as we head-down battled the wind on a normally dream-like flat terrain.
After 15 miles Matt cracked, and we chowed down on our stashed sarnies. At 30 miles we reached Rush City. No city to speak of; the diner had a sign in the window which read 'Closed. Reopens in November.' A weathered sign proudly proclaimed 'Welcome to Rush City; the biggest St Patricks Day Parade'. (Really – compared to where?!) After passing some farms, we found a lonely truck stop. A local trucker asked the female attendant how she was doin' today, and I enjoyed her response 'If I was doin' any better I'd be downright scared'. Inside, there was a forlornly empty coffee pot but a stocked vending machine, so we grabbed some crisps and a snickers for the road.
Into the head-wind, after sometime Matt referred to his map and recognised the 'Topsecret' area Luke had told us about. Lukes' favourite hunting ground and consequently where he wanted his ashes scattered! Luke had offered this spot as an alternative camping area for us, including fantastic wildlife and creepy, rundown and abandounded farm house (very Night of the Living Dead). So with due reverence, we cycled over the rail road tracks and sat to enjoy our junk food and take photos. As we had done such a big day yesturday thje camping will have to wait for another trip.
We reached our tentative final destination of the Day, Ness City, after 66 miles of cycling. It was still before 3pm, so we stopped by 'Ralphs' supermarket' for some proper food (tortilla wraps, cottage cheese and salad)- then decided to press on to the next town, a further 30 miles away. The 'home stretch' featured more buffetting winds, curious cattle and rolling, straw-covered hills. At 5pm we reached Dighton; another pristine, quiet looking All-American town. We followed our noses to the city park, and were delighted to find a swimming pool. Once again, Kansas invited us to swim and use the showers for free, before setting up camp in the ample park grounds. Kansas is our favourite state so far, for this generous gesture alone! After a glorious swim and some juvenile diving and hoop-shooting comps, we showered and set up camp.
Cyclists are advised to make their presence known to the Sheriff, so we headed over to the Police Station. The Police were happy to welcome us to Dighton; asked about our trip and tipped us off that the library wi-fi was still available to us another hour. After eating some gigabites (prevoius blog entries)- we headed to the gas station for some microwavable eating. Back at the campsite, it was microwaved gas station sandwiches and doritos for dinner. Everything tastes pretty good after a day in the sasddle. As we munched, we watched the lightning in all directions, so decided to move our campsite and bikes from the grass to beneath the covered picnic table area. Time for some sleepy!

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