Friday, 17 August 2012

Day 34: PM Edition!

From the cosy library of Ordney, we pressed on to Olney Springs as planned. What we didn't plan on was a fierce headwind, and the rapidly setting sun! Battling both elements, we peddled painstakingly past the Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility. With the wind in our face and light fading, I felt a sense of foreboding and wondered if an escaped criminal might try hold us up for our bikes... I expressed this fear to Matt later at the campsite, and he responded 'Really? I was wondering if we could ask them if they had a cell we could spend the night in, that would have been cool!' -Great minds, eh. 

Ordney Springs consisted of a closed restaurant, fire station and small park surrounded by a dozen houses. At one such house, a family watched from their varanda as we mastered the dark art of Sprinkler-showering. It takes timing and balls (in Matts' case literally)-to scrub down effectively without flashing passing trucks. We couldn't do much about said varandah audience, but they could avert their eyes anytime.

After our standard camping-burritos dinner, we crashed out. Only to be awoken by the wind jerking the tent around us just after 4am; but even the most violent wind can't contend with the knackery of a days' riding...

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