Sunday, 19 August 2012

Day 36, Pueblo Rest Day, 0 miles

While we had an easy day yesterday, a few deciding factors conspired to convince us we should stay for a full rest day. Pueblo is the biggest city on our route until we reach California, and therefore potentially our last chance to indulge in mod-cons like the cinema; Wal-mart and micro-breweries. Less appealing was the fact that an ansuccessful experiment with American hair removal cream had left my legs looking like scar-face (legs). We decided to hang around town to lick my wounds (metaphorically); go see Batman and drink beer (literally.)

It took us about an hour to walk through the suburban sprawl of Pueblo to reach the mall and cinema. Nothing much to report in terms of scenery; apart from an eclectic range of residential architectural styles. A mexican-looking grotto beside a turretted Bavarian lodge; across the road a pre-fab shoe-box home.
After a few enjoyable, entertaining and air-conditioned hours of the Batman film, we emerged to skope out Wal-mart. This was the third Wal-mart we've visited in the US, and by far the biggest. It was disorientingly massive; there was aisle-space equivalent to the the fruit section of an English supermarket, dedicated entirely to sugar. The mind boggles at how a single ingredient can be dressed up/down to create such range! We skirted around the massive gun and fishing department to reach the childrens' clothing department, to find some shorts to wear over my increasingly indecent cycling shorts. (Kids clothes here come in big sizes yet cost less than grown-up clothesa- and I have no sense of style/shame.)

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